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Alpha Phi Omega is not just a club that you're a part of while in college. It can last a lifetime if you allow it. You can be involved as an alumni by being an adviser to a collegiate chapter, attending national, regional and sectional conventions, leading seminars on leadership development, and by serving as a mentor to younger brothers.

APO connected me to my campus and helped me acclimate to living away from home. It gave me the opportunity to meet new people, develop my leadership skills (both in showing me what I am good at and also where I need improvement), and encouraged me to serve in my community. It also has helped give me experience and build up my resume--something that is incredibly useful now that I have graduated.

​       - Katie Juneau, Brother since 2008

My favorite part about APO was getting to know people while doing different community service acts. It always made me feel good when I was doing something I felt like was for the greater good of the world, and getting to know people at the same time. There was never a dull moment!

      -Jesse Taylor, Brother since 2008





The memories and experiences from my time as an undergrad in Alpha Phi Omega are irreplaceable. I will forever carry the motto, 'Leadership, Friendship & Service' around with me as inspiration to always participate. As a chapter adviser, I now have the ability to help influence the next generation of students in developing their leadership styles, new friendship building abilities and commitment of service to the world. While they are the leaders of the organization, it's a wonderful feeling to be used as a resource when guidance is needed.

        -Justin Aromas-Janosik, Brother since 2002

"I’ve always been passionate about community service, and I joined Alpha Phi Omega for the service opportunities. What I didn’t realize is that I was also signing up to meet and forge friendships with some of the best people at NKU and in the country. It’s true that APO is a great resume booster, it gives you leadership experience that you’ll use for the rest of your life, etc.  What’s most important to me, though, is the community I joined when I pledged APO.Think about it; you’re forming lasting friendships with people based on your dedication to service. What an amazing group of people to be with! You get to hang out and have fun with great people while giving back to your community. These relationships drive the projects that Alpha Gamma Phi develops; only people who truly love service and the people they’re serving with could come up with such fun, innovative ideas.  When I joined AGP, it was a tiny chapter. I feel so privileged to have seen it grow into such a strong group, and I know that AGP is having an awesome impact on the Northern Kentucky community and beyond. Joining APO is a lot of fun, yes, and looks great on applications, true. Fundamentally, though, joining APO is a chance to connect with a group of amazing people who stand up for the well being of their communities, and pledging was one of the best decisions I have ever made."

Jennifer Williams, Brother since 2008

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