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Frequently Asked Questions A Quick Guide to APO!


What exactly is APO?

Alpha Phi Omega is essentially a co-ed organization dedicated to Leadership, Friendship, and Service. We operate in many ways like a social Greek Fraternity or Sorority, but our focus is on service rather than social life. (But don't worry, we still like to have fun!) We have weekly meetings and provide our brothers with opportunities to learn leadership skills and hold leadership positions, make new lasting friendships, and do service to the fraternity, campus, community, and nation. Its aim is to further the freedom that is our national, educational and intellectual heritage. APO is the only major national fraternity with the main objective of service. APO was originally an all-male organization, but women are now a vital part of the organization. Because of our history, we still call the organization a fraternity and refer to our members as 'brothers,' regardless of gender.


Why should I join?

If you are looking for a way to get involved at NKU, we are here for you! One of the most important things you can do to improve your college experience is to get involved on your campus. By doing this, you give yourself the chance to change your school and community, as well as opening up opportunities to grow as a person, beyond just getting an education! APO focuses on helping you grow in our cardinal principles of leadership, friendship, and service. 


I am already in a social sorority/fraternity. Can I still join?

Absolutely! Alpha Phi Omega is technically not a part of NKU's Greek Panhellenic program. Many of our brothers are involved in social sororities and fraternities as well as APO. Any service you do can count for both organizations.


Do I have to go through a 'rush' process?

Technically, yes. APO has a rush week in which we hold fun events in leadership, friendship, and service so that we can meet students and answer questions for interested students. These events are open to all students! We highly encourage you attend some rush events, but if you are unable, you can choose to pledge without attending rush. There is absolutely NO hazing, as this is against the values of our school and our organization. We also have NO bid process! Anyone who wants to join APO is welcomed with open arms!


What does it mean to pledge?

At the end of rush week, you have the opportunity to pledge Alpha Phi Omega at a special pledging ceremony. You will then spend most of the semester attending weekly pledge meetings in which you will learn all about APO. You will work to complete 10 service hours as well as earn other credits in areas including leadership and fellowship. Along this process, you will be given a 'Big,' an active brother of APO who will be your friend and mentor. Towards the end of the semester, we hold a weekend retreat filled of fun activities that will culminate in an initation ceremony. If you so choose, at this ceremony you will become an active member of APO!


What are the requirements once I become an active member?

Our active members are required to do 20 hours of service, attend leadership, fellowship, and fundraising events, and serve on a committee. We provide you with so many opportunities to earn these credits, and you receive credit for work you do outside of APO! As an active, you have many optional opportunities, such as becoming a 'Big' or serving on our Executive Board! If you have a particularly hectic semester, you have the option to become an 'Associate Member' for a semester or so, during which time your requirements will be lowered.


How much does it cost to join?

Our pledges pay $80 over the course of the first semester. After you become an active member, your semester dues are only $60! This cost is extremely low compared to other sororities and fraternities. Part of this money goes to the organization at the national level so that the organization can provide services like APO LEADS, a premier leadership training system. The rest of the money goes to the chapter, and will eventually come back to you in the form of great service, leadership, and fellowship events! We are willing to set up payment plans for our brothers and work to help you!


WOW! This sounds amazing! How do I join?

Look for us during our rush week! Posters will be around campus, we will be talking at tables in and around the Student Union, and there will be more information provided to you on Facebook and in emails! Take note of the date of our pledging ceremony! If you show up to the ceremony, you can pledge APO! For more information, like us on Facebook and follow our other pages, or send an email our way (see the 'Contact us' page) and we will give you more info! We hope to see you soon!


Have another question? Send us an email at! We'd love to hear from you!




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